Military Buddy Registry
Get in touch with your old Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, or Coast Guard pal with our Military Buddy Registry - a free service for anyone looking for an old military friend
It’s the least we can do to say thanks to our active and retired Military community!
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James Connally Air Force Base, Waco, Texas 1964-1967
Several of my former fellow Air Force Air Policemen & I are looking for other friends who were stationed with us at James Connally Air Force Base, Waco, Texas between 1964-1967. Would love to find Charlie Brown, Richard O'Neal, Steve Fuentes, J.R. Snowden, Wlbern Roberts & others.
We are: Richard Marcano, John Smith, Sal Lamanna, Erddie Howard, Melvin Dowdy, Tom Enterlein, David Lake, and Jim Tynan. Please contact at 347 398-4390.
Looking for Bill (William) Moore - Altus AFB
Robert is looking for his buddy Bill Moore, who was an aircraft mechanic stationed at Altus Air Force Base in 1965, Bill was originally from Northern Texas. Contact Robert at robertjohnsonbb@yahoo.com
Looking for John A. McKinley - Fort Polk, LA.
We were in Boot Camp together, 6 April 1964 - 28 May 1964 at Fort Polk, LA. Fifth Training Brigade, Second Battalion, Company H. He was from one of the southern states. He would tell me of what he, as a black man, was experiencing during the Civil Rights Movement. I never heard from him again after Boot Camp. Contact John at nelpapajohn@aol.com
Dahn, Germany 1962 & 63
I was in the 193rd military Police in Dahn, Germany I am trying to find an old army buddy named David Eugene Brown - we were there in 1962 & 63. Please E-mail: John Bailey at johnjmb85@aol.com
A sweet dog story - Please read and respond if you know who this is:
About 8-9 years ago I was leaving the VA Hospital Portland. I met a fellow Vet and his Wife that day. He had two dogs with him. One was a sweet short hair Border Collie Unneutered male. As I talked with this man he explained to me how his Wife said this one must go. I could tell it hurt him as he loved him so. Not much time had passed since I lost my first Border Collie. He said I hadn’t neutered him as I want one of his pups so bad. I learned why he spoke this as Breez is the kindest, sweetest, smartest, fastest , most well liked by other people and dogs dog I have ever been around or owned. I told the man if he found a female or perhaps if I did we would get them together. I went home with him within a hour. He suffered very bad from PTSD like so many of us do. I tried several times to contact him in Southern Oregon but with no return call.
If this story rings a bell with anyone that knows him can you please contact me.
Thank you !
Cpl. Jack Morgan USMC
I am looking for my brother's USMC buddy. My brother's info is as follows: He served in the Marines from 1954-1957. Name: Sgt. James Richard Howell (nickname-Dick), 1st Marine Division; Motor Transport Service Company and drove an M62 wrecker. He is 82 years old and really wants to find his buddy, Cpl. Jack Morgan, formerly from Indianapolis, Indiana, had red hair and left handed. They worked together in the same unit and battalion. My brother said Jack had a left handed Fender guitar and they both played guitars together.
If anyone has any information as to how to get ahold of Jack, please contact me at bertdelong@unitedwireless.com.
Larry Dale Holtzen ld_kuhlmann@hotmail.com
Looking for those who know him from Fort Polk and Fort Jackson Basic Training 1957, 1st armed infantry, Company C, Beirut 1958 and Munich Germany 1959. Air Force in 1961. Edward Fletcher, Wilbor Jennings, Frank Turner, Jerry Belcher, Willy Doucet, Ben Martinez.
Sgt ron asbury would like to hear from you and any others who played on marine corps golf team in 29 palms, calif. Looking for old buddies who was in anglico, stationed in 29 palms, calif. My name is sgt Ron Asbury. Please email me at bttasbury@gmail.com. I served from 1953-1961 Phil rogers and any other fellow marines.
I served with Norman Allyn in Vietnam Nam and would like to find him.
Richard Hellmers.
I believe he retired in 1988 and now lives in or around Kokomo, In
My name is Timothy Kelly (SGT). I was deployed in Afghanistan in the 2011-2013 time frame. I am looking for a buddy of mine. His name is Richard Townsend (SPC). I had lost contact with him after we returned home. I have a photo of him from his old facebook account in which he is no longer on. If any one happens to know him, please contact me at lonestar_hunter@yahoo.com. This is the link to his photo https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3128318332665&id=1405899196&set=a.1406433806628.2055512.1405899196&source=48 thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Looking for Mike G. Ritchie, NAS Lemoore, 1979
Mike was from North Carolina and in the Navy stationed to NAS Lemoore CA in 1979, prior to being stationed in Guam.
Please let him know that Pam Walker from the Snack Bar would like to be in contact with him again. If you have any information on his current whereabouts, please contact me at pmccartney1487@gmail.com. I owe him an amends. Thank you.
Please also check for Mike with the last name spelled “Richie”. My memory is too foggy to be sure now how it was spelled, and I no longer have any of his letters to me.
Trying to find Samuel Clark from Florida met him in ft Leonardo's Mo he was a drill Sgt he knew Bruce and Sheryl Collier need to talk
Looking for a guy named duck met him and his buddy named Greg Dogg Dooley in permission Germany just found out about Greg death my name is joy
They were from monks corner SC would like to hear from him to know more about greg
James Cameron and I was in Fort Riley, ks the years was from 1973 to 1976 we started in Charlie company he went to another company as a mail clerk also looking for Michael E. Porter
Looking for kenneth Ross in the army 1960 61 stationed at sandia base. N.M last address in calif
I am trying to locate an army buddy. His name is Frank Galindo, we were stationed in Karlsruhe, Germany between 1974 thru 1976. Another buddy stationed with us was Robert Farms. My name is Jesse Gutierrez, and Frank if you’re out there, you can email me at gggutier@satx.rr.com.
Hi, I’m Carmen Hopkins (Church). I was stationed in Seoul, South Korea, 1981 ish... looking for anyone from the 501st MI Battalion.
Locating a old Army buddy 1983 ft. It'd. Ca helicopter air wing crew chief Royal Hilliard
Name: Tom Hewlett
Looking for anyone stationed at Laredo, Texas Air Force Base 66-70 - especially Christopher Casper, possibly from Tenton, NJ and later worked for Lear Jet - flying private planes to their destinations.
Name: Sherman B Bishop
E-mail: Shermanjan@att.net
Anyone stationed with me at Nakhon phanom thailand in 23rd tass from 1970 thru 1971, did TDY to Quangtri Vietnam. Please Contact!
Army national guard 1988 to 1994 Air Force reserve 1994-1997
Robert Scott Standring
SCOTT electriccowboy@cox.net
Looking for an old Marine buddie
Hi , My name is Sgt. Jeff Sailer , I am looking to contact an old Marine buddie. His name is Thomas Schaller . Sgt. . Originaly from Maple shade, N. J. . If your out there gmail me at sailerjeffrey@gmail.com
My name is Brian Miller. I am looking for an Army friend Robert Keough, Sgt Keough, from the 141st Sig. Bn. We were stationed in Ansbach Germany in the mid 70's. If anyone knows him or how to get in touch with him please contact me at bjmiller45@gmail.com Thanks
My name is David E. Moore I was with bravo Company 7th Motors we are looking for any one that served in the unite from 1965 to 1970 we hope to complete a roster of the men that want to join us email me at meyersdale@hotmail.com and if you know of anyone els please have them contact me. Thank you.
My name is alex frescas from san jose , ca and I am looking for navy buddie.we were stationed at navet, ntc, san diego in 1987, 1988 , last name ohara from milpitas, ca alexfrescas@yahoo.com
My name is Robert Cabaza I am looking for my buddies I was stationed in NKP Thailand in 1971 to 1972, or anyone who was the e during that time period. I can be reached at mirco23@yahoo.com
My Father was stationed in Colorado, in 1944 –46, at Lowry Air force base. He passed away in 2002, and we all miss him , so I am trying to figure out his rank etc..... His name was Robert E, Rankin (Gus), and was from Pennslyvania , Thank You E.S.Rankin (his Son) Tiggerandone@hotmail.com
I am looking for all by old buddies from the Naval Air Facility, I was there in 1967-68. Please contact me at Weller111@centurylink.net.
2nd AC co. D 1957/1959 - Looking for members of this unit. Not many of us left.
Hi - I was serving in the military in 2000 – 2004 in the Marine Corps and had a friend who I would love to contact please help me Im searching for Junior Lorenzo Rivera-Ware who served in India and Mike battery 3 rd battalion 11 th marines. Please respond bigburk54@yahoo.com
My name is Karen Picard - I'm looking for an old army buddy..we were stationed at 360th Transportation company, 68th Bttl., in 1985-86. His name was Sgt. J r Wilson...He worked in the supply room after his knee surgery.......Was Pvt. Chase back then, then married and became Pvt Barras...exited the service on 9 0ct 86...thanks for any help you may have....JR was black headed with brown eyes, about 5'8 or 9. weight appox., 155.... cajunkaren5@gmail.com
I'm Kenneth Boyett. Served in Vietnam with the First Inf. Div, "C" co. 2nd of the 18th 1969-70, then 9th div march 1970 to July 1970. Looking for Joe Kojet or Joe Yantz from Ohio or SSgt Bob Hayman from Louisiana. But would love hearing from anyone I met then. Sorry, bad memory. Can't remember all.
John Patterson who served in Phu Loi Vietnam Dec. 1968 – Nov. 1969 is looking for friends I served with in the 82nd Airborne division. Dennis McPeters, Terry from California, Anthony from Buffalo, and others. Contact me at John.patterson@mtsu.edu
Jack De Long, SN. My Dad served aboard the U S S Navarro, APA 215 from Dec 1964 to Mar 1966. I would like to locate anyone that is familiar with him. He was in the 3rd Division. Some of the names in the photo: Mohr, Haney, Sutton, Peterson, Kirkland, Davis, Morales, Connelly, He also has a photo of two men that he carried in his wallet: Mohr and Roberts. On back of photos dated: 1965 , words never forgotten.
He currently is hospitalized and in and out of coma with cancer. His name is Jack De Long, SN. his email:
My name is Earnest Hamilton and I am looking for my buddies i served with in vietnam with the 36th transportation co. in 1966
My name is Susan Oldford and I am looking for people I was stationed with in Fort Jackson in the year 2000 and also I was Stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds for my AIT training. Between April and Aug of that year. I lost all my friends contact info and hope to find them. Look for me on facebook and I will communicate back.
My name is Tom Boland and I live in SC. I served in USMC 1962-1966.
I am looking for anyone that was in the US Marine Corps Boot Camp PLT 366 Parris Island in Sept 1962.
Also for Ted Hebert who was from Florida and was in VMFA 513, Dick Phillips who was from PA and was in VMFA 542
and Ron Shaver who was from OR and was in VMFA 314.
Anyone who was in VMFA 314, VMFA 542, VMFA 513, VMFA 323, and VMFA 115 Fire Control Radar/Avonics Shop in 1965-66
or went to Vietnam with VMFA 314 on the USS Valley Forge.
I also served in the US Army Reserved from 1978-2002. I can be reached at 803-788-7736. Thanks for any help.
I spent a total of 39 years in the military, (2 years active, 29 years active reserve, and 8 years inactive reserve) and was mobilized as a 57 year old during Desert Storm, spending 34 days at Fort Bliss, Texas. I was drafted in November 1953, but was never exposed to the dangers of war. Thanks to those who have served in hazardous situations and who have given all to our country. Thompsonddh711@aol.com
My father in law was in the 327th glider unit company I. I would like any and all info I can get. He was at the battle of the bulge in Bastogne during WWII. aowens@DEBRUCE.com
Looking fo my old Best Friend Larry Blackwell. We served together in the 3700 Food Services Sqdn at Lackland AFB during 1963-64-65 - Please contact me.
Robert D. Bickle Reg.Air Force Lockbourne AFB Columbus, Ohio 54250 Electrician 1971-1973 Contact email robertjudy@centurytel.net
My name is Francisco Carmona.
I am looking for anyone who served aboard the USS Berkley in the waters of Vietnam from April 24, 1964 through October 10,1964
1958 -1988 Cook barracks in Goppingen Germany
timothy j hier ,is looking for an old army buddy.his name is robert hill.
i was stationed with him from 1958 -1988 at cook barracks in goppingen germany
Email: D4OOPY@aol.com
Vietnam 1969 to 1970 Btry G 68th Arty 3/62, 15th Arty Gp FOURTH YS ARMY
My name is Earl C Groves and I am looking for any of my buddies that served with me in Vietnam.
E-Mail: pegroves1@verizon.net
Vietnam 1968-69: 1/61st 5th Mech Infantry
My name is Douglas R. Haney; in Vietnam 1968-69 I was with the 1/61st 5th Mech Infantry attached to Co. A, and known as "Doc" Haney, Combat Medic. I am searching for other medics: "Doc" Billy Scarborough, "Doc" Phil White, and "Doc" Ted Spring. Also, anyone infantry/officer/medic who remembers me or the firefight of Apirl 28, 1968 in Khe Sanh, or the loss of our temporary C.O., "Screaming Eagle" Special Forces Capt. who died as a result of grenade explosion in the Ashau Valley, please contact me. Today, I am an Environmental Health Research Psychologist and am very interested in the fungal infections we encountered during our time in this particular unit, especially if you were sent to medical field facility or U.S.S. Repose. Interested in your health issues today?
Former Sp-5/E-5 "Doc" Douglas R. Haney
Germany 1951-54
I'm Bill Phillips and trying to find my Army buddy who served in Germany from 1951 to 1954. Bill Mitchell was from the area around Richmond , Va. He signed a pro baseball contract in 1954. He played the guitar and I played the harmonica while we served together in Germany. We played baseball and football for the U.S. Army team in Germany. I am from Indiana.
Please email: emoorex@bellsouth.net
Germany 1969-71
I am looking for a buddy of mine from Germany.
He name is sp5 Earl Lee Edwards. We were in
Germany from 1969 to 1971.
MSG Nathaniel Graham
Vietnam 1966: 101st Airborne, 326th Engineers
James Oliver, Edmund Patrick, John Hilt
I am the wife of Russell Wagner, he was in the 101st airborne, 326th engineers, Nam. 1966. I am looking to reunite him with his old buddies James Oliver, Edmund Patrick, & John Hilt. Anyone with information on these three buddies please contact me.
Vietnam 1970-71: 53rd Signal Battalion
Bruce Rickert, Donald Adair, Douglas Dewey:
Darrell Dias is looking for you!
Served in Vietnam 1970-1971 - 53rd Signal Battalion
Vietnam 326th Medical Battalion
I’m trying to find out about soldiers that my father served with in Vietnam. My father's name was William Edward Whittaker.
He was in the 326th Medical Battalion Air Ambulance Platoon as a medical evacuation pilot. He passed away in 1983. I have some of his history but am trying to fill in some blanks. This is very important to me. He was very proud to serve his country. I would appreciate any help.
Camp Swap, Okinawa 1969-71
Donnie Brake
H & S Company 1969-1970
Camp Swap in Okinawa
Donnie Brake is in the process of trying to find anyone that was with H&S Company with the MOS of 0341, 1969-1970, or was stationed at Camp Swap in Okinawa.
Bastogne, Belgium 1944: 327th Glider Infantry
Sgt Arthur H. Teeter
Marie Deuel (neice) & Dylan Deuel (great nephew) are looking for information on Sgt Arthur H. Teeter, 327th Glider Infantry, 101st Airborne Division. Killed 12/25/44 in Bastogne, Belgium. Awarded Bronze Star, Silver Star, 2 Purple Hearts and Oak Leaf Cluster. Hometown: Fairport, NY - Entered Service on 09/25/42.
Any information you may have on this fallen hero would be greatly appreciated.
Fontenet Ordnance Depot
I am looking for Veterans that served at Fontenet Ordnance Depot in the 1950's. All unit Vets. My email is 1.fodvet601@gmail.com , I am in touch with some 56+ Vets that served at FOD from 1950 thru 1964. I have a roster of some 1400 names. Always wanting to make contact with more of my Brothers or Sisters.
Nick Del Prete 1957/1959.
Headquarters Co.
601st Ord Battalion
Fort Ord, California
Marlene Thompson
Would like to hear from Anthony Louis Miles, who served in Fort Ord, California. Anthony is now about 39 years old and was released from the military in the 1990’s. His last tour was overseas.
Bearcat Compound, Vietnam 1969-79: 135th Assault Helicopter Co
Leodis Youngblood
Retired Army Vet
Leodis served in Vietnam with the 135th Assault Helicopter Company 1969-1979 at Bearcat Compound in the Delta, South Viet Nam. He would like to hear from any of his buddies and any American/Australian Navy Personnel that were stationed there.
USS Oriskany 1964-66: Attack Squadron 152
U.S.NAVY RETIRED (1955-1975)
PLEASE REPLY TO joetta41@yahoo.com
Battle of Kasserine Pass

Pvt./Cpl. Weymeth “Pete” O’Neill
Pete’s son is looking for any old buddies of his father, Weymeth “Pete” O’Neill. He was an Antitank Gun Crewman 610, who was badly wounded but survived the battle of the Kasserine Pass. He was a gunner and driver of a Grant tank during the campaign. He was a Private in CoE
e-mail: gwoneill68@yahoo.de
Fort Ord 1986-89: Alpha Bttry 6/8 Field Artillery
Frank Honesto
is looking for all his old Army buddies! “Alpha Bttry 6/8 Field Artillery”, Fort Ord, California 1986-1989
email: frank_honesto@sbcglobal.net
France 1944
Someone is looking for Valentino Menace, “297th Combat Engineers”, France 1944
email: FAFFADON@aol.com
Fairchild, WA 1951-52
Delos (Moose) Struthers
is looking for anyone from the “111th Maintenance Squadron” from Pennsylvania, based in Fairchild, Washington 1951-1952
email: struts@ipa.net
USS Hancock 1960's
Michael R. Maddox is looking for Louis J. Conrad, USN
Approximate age: 55
Served aboard the USS Hancock aircraft carrier mid to late 60’s as a Photographers Mate in OP Division and was separated from active duty latter part of 1967.
email: mrm1@airmail.net
Hometown: Missouri Valley, IA
Pamela Johnson
is looking for Jennifer K. Judd
Hometown: Missouri Valley, Iowa
email: pamela.johnson@SONOMA.EDU
Hometown: New Tripoli, PA
Frank Moyer
is looking for Willie W. Moyer, hometown: New Tripoli, PA - Served on “LSM82A”
email: Ricky.moyers@netchannel.net
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